दामोदर घाटी निगम Damodar Valley Corporation

As mandated by Central Vigilance Commission, Vigilance Department will enquire or cause any inquiry into the complaints against employees of the Corporation wherein allegations of Corporation are involved.

  1. Jurisdiction of the Vigilance Department:
    • Complaint can be lodged only against officials of the Corporation.
    • The Department has no jurisdiction over private individuals and other Govt. Organizations.
  2. Lodging of complaints: Complaint can be lodged by addressing the written communication/letter directly to the Chief Vigilance Officer, Damodar Valley Corporation, DVC Towers, V.I.P. Road, Kolkata – 700 054.

    Complaints sent through written communication/letters should contain complete postal address (Mobile No./Telephone No. if any) of the sender with specific details/information of the matter.  Complaint sent on any E-mail Id of Officers of the Department will not be entertained or taken cognizance by the Vigilance Department.

  3. Action taken on complaints received by the Vigilance Department:
    • Only those complaints which are against Officials and Departments of the Corporation and contain allegations of corruption will be investigated by the Vigilance Wing.
    • Once a complaint is registered in the Vigilance Department, further correspondences in the matter will not be entertained. However, Vigilance Wing will ensure that the complaints are investigated and action taken to its logical conclusion.
    • As regards complaints against tenders, it is clarified that while the Vigilance Wing would get the matter investigated, however, it would not interfere in the tendering process, as such. The intention is not to stop the work in the Organization.
    • As the Vigilance Department deals only with matters of corruption, redressal of grievance should not be the focus of complaints to the Department.
    • Complaint must contain factual details, verifiable facts and related matters. They should not be vague and contain sweeping general allegations.
    • Complaint should be addressed directly to the Chief Vigilance Officer. Complaint should not be marked as a copy to the CVO.
    • As mandated by CVC, Vigilance Department does not entertain anonymous /pseudonymous complaint.
    • Complaints which do not meet the above criteria will either be filed or will be referred to the concerned Administrative Department for necessary action.
  4. Whistle Blower Complaints (Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer Resolution):                                                        If a complainant while exposing a case of complaint wants his identity to be kept secret, he/she should lodge a complaint under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer Resolution (PIDPIR) popularly known as Whistle Blower provision for lodging complaint under PIDPIR. The complainant intending to lodge complaint under PIDPIR can do so by lodging complaint to the Central Vigilance Commission.  For details procedure for lodging a complaint under PIDPI, the complainant is requested to visit CVC website- https://www.cvc.gov.in/