The Right to Information Act, 2005 | |
Title | Content |
Introduction | Damodar Valley Corporation, a statutory body established under Act No. XIV of 1948 of GOI having its Corporate Office at DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata - 700 054, has taken necessary steps to provide information to the citizens of the country in accordance with The Right to Information Act, 2005. This section of DVC's official website along with other relevant sections contain information as required to be published under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Act. |
Objective of the Right to Information Act | The Government of India has enacted 'The Right to Information Act 2005' No. 22 of 2005 "To provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto". |
What is Information | "Information" means any material in any form, including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force. |
Who can Seek information | Any citizen of India may obtain information as per provision made under Section 6(1) of the RTI Act, 2005. This Act gives the Right to Information only to the citizens of India. It does not make provision for giving information to Corporations, Associations, and Companies etc. which are legal entities / persons but not citizens. However, if an application is made by an employee or office bearer of any Corporation, Association, Company, NGO etc. indicating his name and such employee or office bearer is a citizen of India, information may be supplied to him / her. In such cases, it would be presumed that a citizen has sought information at the address of the Corporation. |
What is a Public Authority | A "public authority" is any authority or body or institution of self government established or constituted by or under the Constitution; or by any other law made by the Parliament or a State Legislature; or by notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government and includes body owned, controlled or substantially financed and non-Government organizations substantially financed by the Central Government or a State Government also fall within the definition of public authority. |
Suo Motu Disclosures in Pursuance of Section 4(1) (b) Under the Right to Information Act, 2005 | |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(i): Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties | Name and Address of the Organisation: Damodar Valley Corporation DVC Headquarter DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata-700054. |
Contact Details of Officials | |
Head of the organization | |
Vision, Mission and Key Objectives | |
Function and Duties | |
Organization Chart | |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(ii): Power and duties of its officers and employees | All the corporation officers have certain Delegated Administrative Power (DAP) and Delegated Financial Power (DFP) depending upon their level/rank in the corporation. The DAP & DFP of various officials is decided by the competent authority (DVC Board) which are well defined and revised from time to time, depending upon the organization's requirement as well as Central Government / Ministry of Power (MOP) Guidelines & Norms. The duties are assigned from time to time as required. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(iii):Procedure followed in decision making process | The various proposals are initiated through notesheet by the concerned officers in their respective Members/Directors/Head of the Department. The Functional Head takes decisions on those proposals within their delegation of powers. The matter, which require the approval/vetting by the Board Members, are placed before the DVC Board for approval vis a vis decisions. Certain matters ,which require the decision of the Government in terms of various directives issued by the Government from time to time are sent to Ministry of Power. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(iv): Norms for discharge of functions | Norms set by DVC for the discharge of its functions are based on its core values which are as under: - Business Morals - Customer Care - Organizational & Professional Excellence - Mutual respect & trust - Innovation & Speed - Social obligation/service to society - Statutory Compliance |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(v): Rules, Regulations, Instructions Manual and Records for discharging functions |
Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records held by corporation or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions. DVC has a set of rules for conduct of business through well defined policies. Major documents are: - -Purchase Manual - Stores Manual - Delegation of Financial & Administrative Power |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(vi): Categories of documents held by the authority under its control | Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control. DVC holds commercial and technical documents relating to the business operations of the corporation and data relating to its employees. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(vii): Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof | Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or reorientation by, the members of public in relation to formulation of its policy or implementation thereof. DVC being a commercial entity, its policies relate to internal management and, hence, there is no arrangement for consultation with members of the public. All of its policies are formulated in compliance with applicable provisions of statutes, regulations etc. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(viii): Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority | Statement of boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public. DVC has constituted many Committees to oversee the operations and to provide directions / guidelines. The meetings of the Board or these committees are neither open to public not the agendas / minutes are accessible to public. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(ix): Directory of officers and employees | Employee's Directory |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(x): Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation | Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation as provided in regulations. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(xi) Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc. | Budget allocated to each of corporation's agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made. DVC prepares capital budget every year for its ongoing projects as well as new projects and other schemes. DVC also prepares revenue budget every year. Expenditure incurred by DVC is governed by these budgets. Both capital and revenue budgets are placed in the parliament before making any expenditure. |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(xii) Manner of execution of subsidy programme | Not Applicable |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(xiii): Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority | Not Applicable |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(xiv): Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form | Information is available at w.e.f. 08.07.2016 |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(xv): Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room if maintained for public use. | Corporation does not maintain any public library. Refer to Sl. No. XVI & XVII for the procedures to obtain information |
Sec. 4(1)(b)(xvi) Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers | Refer CPIO details sheet |
Sec.4(i) (b)(xvii) Such other information as may be prescribed under section | Details of Grievance Redressal Cell: Shri Aijazul Islam Sr. Addl. Director(HR) & Public Grievance Officer (PG Cell), HR Department, Damodar Valley Corporation, DVC Tower, Ultadanga, Kolkata-700054, Ph.: – 033-66072526 |
Details of Public Relation Cell: Shri Arijit Kundu Superintending Engineer (E) & Chief Public Relation Officer (PR Cell), Secretariat Department, Damodar Valley Corporation, DVC Tower, Ultadanga, Kolkata-700054, Ph.: – 033-66072128 | |
Completed & underway schemes of DVC | |
Details of all Contracts/Tender | |
General Conditions of Contract | |
Annual Report | |
Budget Report | |
Details of RTI Applications received and disposed. Year: 2021-22: Applications Received: 410, Application Rejected: 59, Application Disposed: 339 | |
Details of Appeals received and orders issued. Year: 2021-22 Appeal Received: 55, Appeal Rejected:1, Appeal Disposed: 49 | |
HR Circular including transfer policy | HR Circular including transfer policy |
No. of employees against whom Disciplinary action (admin) has been proposed/taken (Section 4(2)) (Jan. 21 to Dec. 21) |
No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been taken in the year 2021: I. Status of Pending Disciplinary Proceedings in the year 2021 (pertaining to cases constituted in the year 2021 & pending as on Dec. 2021):–
a) Minor Penalty Proceedings - 13
b) Major Penalty Proceedings - 32
II. Status of Disposal of Disciplinary Proceedings in the Year 2021 (cases that have been disposed in the year 2021 up to Dec. 2021):-
a) Minor Penalty Proceedings – 2
b) Major Penalty Proceedings – 2
Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Grants | Details of Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Grants Allocations to State Govt./NGO's/Other Institution |
Sec. 26 Programmes to advance understanding of RTI |
In FY- 20-21 ,
Webinar on " Effective Implementation of RTI ACT,2005" was held wherein 30(Thirty) no's of DVC Officials attended the Training programme.
Link to file RTI application through online mode | w.e.f. 08.07.2016 |
Third party transparency audit on Proactive Disclosure | For 2020-21- Done by NPTI and submitted to CIC on 25.08.21. DVC Audit Certificate,2021 |
Name of CPIO from the year 2015 onwards: Shri Parameshwar Toppo- upto 30.06.2016, Shri Angshuman Mandal - from 01.07.2016 to 30.06.2021, Smt. Sangita Sil - from 10.07.21 till now.
Name of FAA & Executive Director (HR) from the year 2015 onwards: Shri Prabhat Kiran - upto 31.07.2018, Shri A. K. Jha - from 01.08.2018 to 18.11.2018, Shri A. K. Verma, 19.11.2018 to 31.01.2021, Shri R. K. Dutta - from 01.02.2021 to 30.04.2021, Shri Dipak Biswas - from 01.05.2021 to 31.07.2021, Shri Rakesh Ranjan- from 01.08.2021 till now.
RTI applicants are requested to submit their application directly to the respective CPIO as mentioned below, to obtain information.
Name(s), designation(s) and other particulars of Public Information Officer(s).
Fax: (033)23555857
Sl. No. |
PHONE No. & E-mail |
1 | Smt. Sumita Nag | Additional Secretary and First Appellate Authority | Damodar valley Corporation, Secretariat Department, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata – 700054 | (033)66073008 |
2 | Smt. Sangita Sil | Nodal Officer (RTI) w.e.f. 08.07.21 | Damodar valley Corporation, Secretariat Department, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata – 700054 | (033)66072602 |
2 | Smt. Sangita Sil | Central Public Information Officer w.e.f. 08.07.21 | Damodar valley Corporation, Secretariat Department, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata – 700054 | (033)66072602 |
3 | Pinki | Asstt. Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Durgapur Thermal Power Station, Durgapur – 713207, West Bengal | (0343)2774824 |
4 | Shri Partha Mukherjee | Deputy Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Mejia Thermal Power Station, P O – Durlavpur, Dist. – Bankura, West Bangal – 722183 | (03241)262201 |
5 | Shri Ajay Singh | Deputy Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, P O – Chandrapura, Dist. – Bokaro, Jharkhand - 824303 | |
6 | Shri Rohit Kumar | Deputy Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Bokaro Thermal Power Station, P O - Bokaro Thermal, Dist. – Bokaro, Jharkhand – 829107 | (06549)266705 |
7 | Smt. Gopa Chakravarty | Addl. Director(HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Durgapur Steel Thermal Power Station, 1st Floor, Administrative Building, P O - Andal, Dist-Burdwan, West Bengal-713321 | |
8 | Shri Raghupati Chanda | Joint Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Raghunathpur Thermal Power Station, Dumdumi, P O – Nildih, Dist. – Purulia, West Bengal - 723133 | (03251)201466 |
9 | Shri Rahul Ranjan | Deputy Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Soil Conservation Department, Hazaribag, Dist. – Hazaribag, Jharkhand - 825301 | (06546)270636 |
10 | Shri Asish Kumar | Deputy Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, Koderma Thermal Power Station, P O – Banjhedih, Dist. Koderma, Jharkhand - 825421 | |
11 | Shri G. Nandesu | Jt. Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, At & PO - Panchet Dam, Dist. – Dhanbad, Jharkhand | (06540)287218, |
12 | Shri Tapas Ray | Deputy Director (HR) & Central Public Information Officer | Damodar Valley Corporation, O/o Sr. Manager (HR), At & P O– Maithon Dam, Dist. – Dhanbad, Jharkhand – 828207 | (06540)2522499, |
XVI. |
Other useful information |
How To Apply |
1. |
Introduction Any citizen of India who desires to obtain any information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 shall make a request preferably in the Application Format in writing directly to the Central Public Information Officer of the Concerned DVC Project or Headquarters as mentioned above. |
2. |
Application Fee In accordance to directives given in the Gazette Notification issued by Deptt. of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Govt. of India, vide No. 34012/8(s)/2005-Estt. (B) dated 16/09/2005, the application for obtaining information under sub-section (1) of section 6 must be accompanied by prescribed application fee drawn as per following project wise deatils. At present the application fee, which is subject to change from time to time, is as under:- Application fee: Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten only) : By cash against proper receipt or by demand draft / banker’s cheque / Indian Postal Order. Persons who belong to BPL category are not required to pay any fee provided necessary documents are produced in support of their claim. Details of recently purchased IPO/ Banker Cheque/ demand draft towards payment of RTI application fee :- For RTI application addressed to CPIO, Kolkata pay to - DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION payable at Kolkata For RTI application addressed to CPIO, RTPS pay to- Damodar Valley Corporation payable at- RTPS. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, Panchet Hydel Station Pay to :- Accounts Officer DVC Panchet Payable at :- Panchet. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, MTPS Pay to - DVC, MTPS(O&M) payable at – MTPS. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, Maithon Pay to- Sr. Manager (Finance) Payable at-Maithon. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, Hazaribagh Pay to- Addl. Chief Accounts Officer, DVC, Hazaribag. Payable at- Hazaribag. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, DTPS Details of IPO- Drawn in favour of Additional Chief Accounts Officer, DTPS, Durgapur payable at P.O. at Durgapur-713207. Banker cheque -. Pay to- Damodar Valley Corporation Branch- Maya bazaar, DTPS. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, DSTPS The Deputy General Manager( Finance) Bank of India, Andal Branch. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, CTPS Pay to-Sr. Additional Chief Account Officer Payable at-Chandrapura. For RTI application addressed to CPIO, BTPS Pay to- Sr. Addl. Chief Accounts Officer Payble at- Bokaro Thermal For RTI application addressed to CPIO, KTPS pay to Sr. Addl. Chief Accounts Officer, DVC, KTPPpayable at KTPP |
3. |
Additional Fee In case it is decided to provide the information, the Requester shall be informed of the additional fees required to be deposited by him / her for the information sought and information shall be furnished after the deposit of the fee by the Requester, as per the Act. In accordance to directives given in the above mentioned Gazette notification dated 16-09-2005, for providing the information under sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the Act, an additional fee shall be charged. At present, the applicable rates, which are subject to change from time to time, are given as under :-
The mode of payment of above mentioned additional fees shall be the same as application fee. |
4. |
Appeal In case the Requester who does not receive a decision within the time specified in sub-section (1) or clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 7 of the Act, or is aggrieved by a decision of the PIO, as the case may be, may within thirty days from the expiry of such period from the receipt of such a decision, prefer an appeal to the Director(HRD), Appellate Authority, DVC for redressal of the application made under RTI Act 2005. |
.Record Retention Policy of DVC: 1, 2, 3, 4. | |
For More details on Right to Information Act, 2005 please visit |