"Shri M. RAGHU RAM , has joined Damodar Valley Corporation, Kolkata as Member(Technical) w.e.f 18th January, 2021. He has done B. Tech (Mech.) from J.N.T.U College of Engineering, Hyderabad and M.Tech(Thermal) from I.I.T Delhi. Prior to joining Damodar Valley Corporation, he was working as General Manager(O&M) in NTPC at 2600 MW, Korba Super Thermal Power station and held the charge of head of O&M. He has a rich experience of 33 years in the field of Thermal Power Plant, Project Constructions Monitoring, Technical Audit, Gap Analysis & Performance testing of Plant equipment/system."
Member Technical,DVC
"Shri M. RAGHU RAM , has joined Damodar Valley Corporation, Kolkata as Member(Technical) w.e.f 18th January, 2021. He has done B. Tech (Mech.) from J.N.T.U College of Engineering, Hyderabad and M.Tech(Thermal) from I.I.T Delhi. Prior to joining Damodar Valley Corporation, he was working as General Manager(O&M) in NTPC at 2600 MW, Korba Super Thermal Power station and held the charge of head of O&M. He has a rich experience of 33 years in the field of Thermal Power Plant, Project Constructions Monitoring, Technical Audit, Gap Analysis & Performance testing of Plant equipment/system."

Member Finance,DVC
"Shri Arup Sarkar has joined Damodar Valley Corporation as Member (Finance) on 20* August 2021. Mr. Sarkar is an Associate Member of Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI). Mr. Sarkar has a rich experience over 3 (Three) decades in the field of Accounts, Finance and Taxation.Prior to joining Damodar Valley Corporation, he was working as an Additional General Manager (Finance) in NSPCL and held charge as the Head of the Finance. He had joined NSPCL in the year 2002. He has accomplished various assignment during his career in NSPCL, which includes Fund Management, Taxation matters, Budgeting and Budgetary control, Financial Concurrences, Finalization of Accounts etc. Prior to joining NSPCL, he had worked in SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant for around 9 (nine) years."

"Dr. John Mathai has joined DVC as Member-Secretary on 16.06.2022. He has done MA in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala. Apart from this, he has also acquired LLB from Delhi University, MBA from Jamia Miliya University, New Delhi and Ph.D. from IIT, Delhi. He joined NTPC in year 1990 and has worked in various capacities & respon in different field formations of NTPC. He has also worked as Head of HR in Thermal plants, Hydro projects, Regional Headquarters and in Joint Venture Company of NTPC. Prior to his joining in DVC, he was holding the post of General Manager taking care of Corporate HR functions and reporting to Director(HR), NTPC. He brings with himself vast knowledge & experience in the field of Talent Management, Industrial Relationship, Human Resource Management and Industrial Engineering."