Act No. XIV Of 1948
(The Act received the assent of the Governor General on the 27th of March, 1948)
An Act to provide for the establishment and regulation of a Corporation for the development of the Damodar Valley in the provinces of Bihar and West Bengal.
Whereas it is expedient to provide for the establishment and regulation of a Corporation for the development of the Damodar Valley in the provinces of Bihar and West Bengal;

And whereas in pursuance of section 103 of the Government of India Act, 1935 (26 Geo. 5,c. 2), resolutions have been passed by all the Chambers of the Provincial Legislatures of the said Provinces to the effect that certain matters dealt within this Act which are enumerated in the Provincial Legislative List should be regulated in those Provinces by Act of the Dominion Legislature;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
Part I – Introductory
Part II – Establishment of the Corporation
Part III – Functions and Powers of the Corporation
Part IV – Finance, Accounts and Audit
Part V – Miscellaneous