दामोदर घाटी निगम Damodar Valley Corporation

Brief Profile:

On 7th July, 1948 India’s first multipurpose river valley project–Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) came into existence by an Act of the Central Legislature. The emergence of DVC culminated to harness the rampaging flood water of Damodar river which every year brought untold miseries to the population residing in Damodar River Valley spread across the states of West Bengal and Jharkhand. Since then, DVC has remained steadfast in its effort to develop the Damodar Valley region and in the process has notched up many firsts to its credit:


l  First multipurpose river valley project taken up by the Govt. of India.

l  First and only GoI organization generating power through three sources–coal, water and liquid fuel.

l  First underground hydel station of India set up at Maithon.

l  First to burn untapped low-grade coal in pulverized fuel furnaces through BTPS boilers.

l  First re-heat unit in India, utilizing high steam parameter at Chandrapur at TPS.

l  First to introduce in Eastern India, Direct Ignition of Pulverized Coal (DIPC) system for reducing oil consumption in boiler at Mejia TPS.


DVC recorded Revenue from Operation of Rs.21,799 Crore from Power object in FY 2021-22 as against Rs.17,197 Crore during FY 2020-21, an increase of 26.76%. Profit for FY 2021-22 on Power object is Rs.372 Crore against previous year’s profit on Power object of Rs.90 Crore. The Corporation has registered a Net Profit of Rs.635 Crore in FY 2021-22 including Net Profit of Rs.263 Crore on account of irrigation & flood control.


DVC had taken up a massive capacity addition programme of 6750 MW in the 11th five year plan (2007-2012) which included 1000 MW slipover Projects of 10th Plan. Due to delay in commissioning of KodermaTPS (Unit-2) so far, DVC has achieved commissioning of 500 MW. Considering the slipover Projects and Units of 11th Plan, targeted total capacity addition programme for 12th Plan has been kept at 3520 MW. During 12th Plan, DVC has decided to introduce first Super Critical units in the valley area through setting-up of 2×660 MW Units at Raghunathpur Thermal Power Station (Phase-II) expansion programme and is also considering setting-up of Super Critical units of 2×800 MW at Koderma Thermal Power Station. DVC is also foraying into Renewable Energy sector by installing Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants with the assistance of the World Bank. The plan outlay for RE 2013-14 was allocated as Rs.3515.97 Crore and for BE 2014-15 Rs.3964.99 Crore.


DVC has a transmission and distribution (T&D) network comprising of 7074 circuit kilometer (Ckm) of EHV lines, 35 nos. EHV Sub-Stations includes 1527 CkM of 33 Kv lines and 13 nos. 33 Kv Receiving Stations for transmission and distribution of the generated power at various voltage levels.

DVC has also taken up implementation of System Energy Measurement Accounting & Audit (SEMAA) System for achieving accurate billing cycles through Remote Metering thereby improving cash flow cycle and better revenue management.

During the year 2022-23 up to Dec’22, the industrial power supply connection has been commissioned to 25 Nos. new consumers for a total Contract Demand of 12.82 MVA from various off- take points throughout the Valley area of DVC.


DVC started coal mining activity in 1951 at Bermo Mine, Bokaro District Jharkhand. Presently, DVC is operating Tubed Coal Mine in Latehar District, Jharkhand. The Mine is having Peak rated Capacity of 06 million tons per year, Geological Reserve of 190 million tons and Mineable Reserve of 130 million tons. Mining operation commenced from 26/09/2022.


Environmental Works in and around its different Power Projects in West Bengal and Jharkhand to maintain better environment and echo system for protection of micro-climate condition against the adverse effect of air pollution were continued throughout the year. DVC also continued its effort to reduce environmental pollution through development of different greenery projects like plantation, orchards, herbal plantation, avenue plantation, etc.


DVC has four major reservoirs (Maithon, Panchet, Tilaiya & Konar) under its control in the Damodar Valley area with a combined water spread area of about 34,447 ha at full storage level and total productive water area is about 20,116 ha. Now, there are total 35 registered Fishermen Co-operative societies covering 1335 members. In the year 2013-14, about 41.5 lakh fingerlings were produced at maithon Fish Farm and released in Maithon reservoir. About 6 lakh fingerlings were produced at Mejia Thermal Power Station (MTPS). Fisheries Training programme are regularly conducted with the assistance of Fisheries Department of Govt. of West Bengal & Jharkhand as well as Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), Barrackpore, During the year 2013-14 total 491 Fishers have attended the training programmes.


For the first time in India, Mechanized Steel Covered Container Dumpers/Trucks are being used for transportation of Ash from pond to the destination as full-proof methodology to protect the environment. Also, for the first time, measuring methodology of pond ash quantity through modern Weighbridges has been adopted to meet more transparency in ash management. Dry Fly Ash collection system exists in the new units of DVC & action has been taken to install dry fly ash collection system in old units. Total fly ash utilization for all units of DVC in the financial year 2013-14 is to the tune of 70.3% in which total quantity of ash utilization is 63.30 Lac MT against total generated ash quantity of 90 Lac MT.


DVC has implemented afforestation work on degraded forest land near Mejia TPS & Raghunathpur TPS in the state of West Bengal and Chandrapura TPS, Bokaro TPS and Hazaribagh in the state of Jharkhand. Green-belt Development Programme as per statutory requirement has already been started for the new Projects of DVC at Durgapur Steel Thermal Power Station (DSTPS), Andal and Raghunathpur Thermal Power Station (RTPS), Raghunathpur & Koderma Thermal Power Station (KTPS), Koderma.


An important mandate of DVC Act promulgated in 1948, under section 12(f) has been “Promotion of Public Health and the Agriculture, Industrial, Economic and General Wellbeing in Damodar Valley and its area of operation”. DVC got involved in its  area with the responsibility of bringing upliftment of socio-economic development of the community. In the same continuity DVC launched its Corporate Social Responsibility jn the name of Social Obligation Programme (SOP) in the year 1981 which later renamed as Social Integration Programme in 1992-93. With the launch of CSR under companies Act in the year 2013, DVC renamed its programme to Corporate Social Responsibility which includes the components of activities enunciated under CSR of Companies in addition to our own policy. As such the CSR of DVC is our expression of deep commitment towards socio-economic and infrastructural development for the community residing within the 10 km. of our projects.

The programme was launched covering 25 villages which now encompasses 629 villages in the state of West Bengal and Jharkhand.


Amrit Kisku a Daily Wage Mason Turning Entrepreneur by Support of DVC

Amrit Kisku is 45 years Santhal youth of village naxal affected village Dudhmuho under CSR of Konar Dam who was a mason leading a hardship of livelihood at Konar Dam. He came in contact with CSR who sent him for training in Piggery at Holi Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hazaribagh. On return from training to his village he got two piglets from DVC, which he reared with full motivation. He on his own arranged for indigenous and appropriated sty and arranged the food for the pigs by collection wastages from the roadside hotels and armed forces mess. He is now idol in village for other Santhals and has also been recognized by Govt. as trainer for piggery. Visualizing the profit margins Amrit now gives much of his efforts in selling the piglets rather than rearing full size pig for sale in the market.

Amrit already possessing the trait of rearing livestock being Santhal, a small effort of training by DVC has transformed him as a respectable and economically sound entrepreneurs. His annual turn over is Rs.5.00 lakhs consistently in addition to his other household earnings.

Gattigarha an Ideal Village of Santhals

Gattigarha is a village under CTPS Project which is fully a Tribal Village (Santhal) having 56 household primarily  depending on the marginal farming and daily labour as main source of livelihood. A village characterized by isolation by rest of the immediate world. DVC made an entry in the village by organizing the women folk in forming Self Help Groups, organizing and awakening them for economic independence by way of micro savings and lending.   There are 6 SHGs in this village who are creating their own corpus fund for micro-lending for the purpose of economic activities, agriculture, health and education of their own community. On their demand by the community for better living standards  DVC gradually since 2009 created community infrastructures like water supply from overhead tank to each household, micro-lift irrigation system for their irrigation needs, individual household toilets with water facility in all the households, village connectivity roads, creation of water harvesting structures.

Many of the women SHG members have acquired economic assets such as irrigation pumps, livestocks etc. from savings and lending in their Self  Help Group which was initiated by DVC’s effort. The micro-lift irrigation system and water supply system is managed by the Self Help Group members. Approximately  22 Acres of land are under irrigation  and operation and maintenance of water to 56 numbers households are managed fully by women of Gattigarha.

Under the CSR programme of DVC, the activities are categorized as  below:

  1. Socio-economic Developmental Activities
  1. Education Development: Promotion of educational materials to village Schools and providing free education to the community around our projects through DVC schools
  2. Health Programme: Promotion of Health by organizing IEC camps and health care assistance through medical mobile van in projects.
  3. Training Programme: Skill Development trainings for livelihood
  4. Agriculture Extension, Fisheries and Allied Activities: Training of Farmers for better and scientific cultivation and fisheries.
  5. Income Generation Programme: Providing training and capital assistance to demonstrate livelihood.
  6. Sports & Culture: Promotion of indigenous culture and Sports.
  7. Social Forestry: Promoting social forestry
  1. Infrastructure Development Programme
  1. Drinking Water Facility
  2. Other Infrastructure Development
  • Construction of School Building/Community Centre/Boundary Walls/toilets etc.
  • Construction of Road/Drain/Culvert /Ghats/ street light etc.

Renovation of Pond/Contruction of Water Harvesting Structure/Check Dams/ Micro-lift Irrigation


Face Recognition Biometric Attendance System is installed and operational in all Power plants and various offices of DVC to ensure punctuality and discipline amongst employees. Various Claim and Employee Benefit processes like Leave, Leave Travel Allowance, Leave Encashment, Medical Reimbursement, Annual Property Return, Grievance Management, Performance Management, Transfer Request etc have also been made available through online mode (under ESS) for better transparency. IT system has been developed for Flood Forecasting by installing Automated Rain Gauge at strategic points. Payroll and Pension Statements have been successfully generated through Enterprise Business Administration (EBA). Modified online Vendor Registration introduced. Development of new E-Billing system with enhanced features has been introduced.


DVC has implemented Official Language programmes keeping in view the directives received from the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Power, Government of India.

DVC is the Chair of TOLIC (office 4, Kolkata) and organized two half-yearly meeting. At the national level, DVC has been honoured with “Rajbhasha Kirti Puruskar” in Official Language activities in “C” Region for the year 2022 on 14th September 2022 at Rajbhasha Sammelan held at Surat, Gujarat. At the regional level, two establishments of DVC viz. Bokaro and Hazaribagh received awards for Official Language activities.


DVC laid special emphasis to bring about objectivity, transparency and accountability keeping ‘Participative Vigilance’ in particular. DVC Management made different changes of the existing procedures to increase transparency and objectivity.


  • Member Verification of the Trade Unions operating in DVC and Recognition of the Trade Unions operating in DVC is being held regularly as per “Code of Discipline, 1954”. The last such exercise was done in the year 2022.
  • Contributory Post Retirement Medical Assistance Scheme has been introduced to provide Annual Medical Assistance cover for hospitalization/ in-patient treatment to Executive and Non-Executive who got separated from the service of the Corporation on account of Superannuation, Specified Retirement date, Voluntary Retirement, Permanent or Partial Disablement & Death etc. The Scheme provides annual medical coverage up to maximum Rs. 30 Lakhs per family to approximately 21,000 lives.
  • DVC is dedicated to the upliftment of women. To provide a platform to women associated with DVC (Female employees as well as family members of DVC employees), a ‘DVC Ladies Club-‘UDAAN’ has been initiated for ensuring the holistic development & empowerment of women through promoting socialization & welfare activities among women.


In a spirit of optimism, we shall continue in building trust within society and contributing to the resolution of real problems.

We are continuously focused on implementation of best O&M Practices to ensure primacy of DVC as a mega power utility in India and at the same time enabling us to continuing with our efforts for accelerated socio-economic upliftment in DVC’s area of operation, in association with the stakeholders.

Review of the charter

This charter shall be reviewed every year and as and when required, for modifications, if necessary, based on the feedbacks received.
